Gumpf Gardens
It’s Week 13 and the last week of our series– INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE IS ON!
After this long, hot and dry summer, we are overstocked! But this is great news for our customers!
50% OFF All Roses, Hosta, Daylilies & Grasses! Fall is for Planting and for SAVINGS!!!
Now is the best time to add beauty and shade (and even food!) to your landscape.
Fruit trees & berries, flowering trees & shrubs, perennials, roses, evergreen trees & shrubs – all 40% OFF in our first ever Inventory Reduction Sale!
Shop now while selection is great!
Planting Package is 15% off. Plant once; plant right.
Prior Weeks’ Sales being Held-Over!
Garden Gifts & Outdoor Décor – 25% off
Garden Fountains – 25% off
Raised Vego™ garden beds – 30% off
Hummingbird nectar – Buy 1 get 1 free
Coolaroo™ Sun Shades & Sails – 50% off
Success Package – 15% off planting materials